Photo & Film

Editorial and Commercial Photos and Film Footage

Filming and photography are on principle permitted in the State Collections of Antiquities and the Glyptothek. To avoid disturbing other visitors and to protect the exhibits, please keep the technical effort for the shots to a minimum. In addition, all filming and photography work must be booked and approved in advance.

As shooting and photography work represents a high additional staffing and financial effort for us, we are obliged to charge a fee for commercial shots and editorial shots that do not contain any current reporting. You can find information on the terms for film and photo crews → here.

For any request concerning film and photography please contact: info(at)

Image Requests and Reproduction Rights

To order photo material or ask for reproduction permission please use the following form.

Antrag auf Reproduktionserlaubnis / Application for permission to reproduce

Um Reproduktionserlaubnis wird gebeten von / Permission to reproduce is requested by
1000 characters left
um folgende Sammlungsgegenstände zu reproduzieren/ to reproduce the following objects in the collection
Erstes Objekt / First object:
Zweites Objekt (optional) / Second object (optional):
Drittes Objekt (optional) / Third object (optional):
Bei mehr als 3 Objekten nutzen Sie bitte das folgende Freitextfeld / for more than 3 objects, please use the text area below.
1000 characters left
in folgender Publikation / for publication in
Der Antragsteller erklärt sich bereit, bei Genehmigung die anfallenden Kosten bis zum fälligen Rechnungstermin zu zahlen.
The applicant agrees to pay charges incurred for this permission.